Monthly Archives: October 2014

Importance of the Balance Between Sustainability and Service

What is the balance between sustainability and service? This is a question we have been working through the last few years. When we published our memoir, Ink in the Wheels: Stories to Make Love Roll, our vision and service was … Continue reading

Posted in Megan's Blogs, Ramblings, The Nitty-Gritty, Work | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Being Told No: Disability and What You Can’t Do

My Facebook page has lit up recently with a baby boom, colors of blue or pink, and strips of sonograms sprinkle the page. For those who have children, it brings smiles to their faces, reminders of their own children when … Continue reading

Posted in Adoption, Megan's Blogs, Ramblings, The Nitty-Gritty | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment