November is National Adoption month, and this month, we’ll be writing about different aspects about adoption. Why is this important? It’s one of our long-term dreams and visions, yet we’re in the process of assessing and overcoming different challenges to move forward, which include a more stable economy, creating a solid support network and the ability to obtain accessibility equipment Barton will need to parent a child.
We all have long-term dreams in our lives, and there are times when we have more challenges or obstacles to climb over to succeed. Barton and I use writing and coaching to work towards our long-term goals. Creative expression or writing allows the space to dream, imagine and play. Using a coach as a resource, we are also given ways to break through our own limiting beliefs preventing us from getting to where we need. How can you work on your long-term dreams and goals?
Here are some simple steps:
• Allow yourself to dream.
• Reminders are important. Whether it’s a vision board or quote notes, surround yourself with reminders of your goals and dreams.
• The “P” word- perseverance.
• Create a support system or find a mentor to cheer you on, create accountability systems and help you overcome obstacles.
• This week, challenge yourself to take one action item toward a long-term dream.
Adoption itself is a long process; it may be several years before we’re able to bring a child in our home. But believing and working toward our dream gives us something to look forward to!
Family For Us Celebrating National Adoption Month and Supporting Barton and Megan Cutter on their adoption journey
The Chris Hendricks Band Benefit Concert
Friday, November 5, 2010
Amazingtones Falls River Music
1141 Falls River Avenue, 110
Raleigh, NC 27614 (Durant Road and Falls River Avenue)
$10 at the door. More info call 919-389-6423.
The Chris Hendricks Band, which will be headlining the event has gained growing acclaim as they have opened for Amy Grant tour dates over the summer, are finalists for Deep South’s Battle of the Bands and whose songs are being played during Raleigh Hurricane Hockey Games for the 2011-2012 season. To check out their music, visit
Please note that this is a personal fundraising event and for that reason, contributions cannot be deducted for tax purposes.